Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 Reasons To Embrace Being Single On Valentine’s Day

10 Reasons To Embrace Being Single On Valentine's Day

Whether you’re newly single or have been for a while, Valentine’s Day is not something to dread/fear/loathe! In fact, some may envy your position. Here’s why-   You don’t need to stress about finding the perfect gift for a significant other. Instead, treat yourself to that sparkly thing you’ve had your eye on. You can…

The Surprising Ways Catnip Can Benefit Your Sleep, Skin Health and More

If you have a kitty or follow cat accounts on Instagram, you know that catnip can cause some pretty frenetic feline reactions. Those little furballs get wild and rambunctious whenever the dried herb is introduced, don’t they? Surprisingly, catnip has the exact opposite effect on humans. You may know this from personal experience, because many…